This week, Road Trips with Tom takes a break from our normal format and focuses on navigation. In other words, we’ll consider how we get to our destinations rather than which destinations should be on our bucket lists. A few years after graduating from UCLA with a geography degree, I was hired as a travel […]
This week Road Trips with Tom returns to the East Coast to visit Strawbery Banke – a living history museum in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. What makes Strawbery Banke special, along with the age of its buildings, is the fact it’s an entire neighborhood preserved and restored in its original location. It’s definitely the top historic attraction […]
This week, Road Trips with Tom heads back west to the old mining camp of Goldfield, Nevada. We’re headed to the desert again, where the earth is buck-naked, the air is as dry as burnt toast, and you can see for miles. People like me who love the desert think it’s beautiful. Those who don’t […]
This week Road Trips with Tom heads for the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. While the hall doesn’t really merit being a primary road trip destination, it may be worth a visit next time you’re in the area And that, podnuh, is its problem. The Baseball Hall of Fame isn’t in the vicinity of anywhere […]
Valley Forge is the first of 10 East Coast destinations Road Trips with Tom will be visiting during the next few months. Among the special places I visited on my Philadelphia-based road trip in May, I decided I’d begin with the place I enjoyed the most. This is it. Valley Forge National Historic Park is a […]
This week’s road trip takes us to Pio Pico State Historic Park in Whittier, California. As road trips go, this was the shortest I’ll ever take. I live in Whittier, and the drive to the Pico adobe was 1.6 miles. This was my first visit, even though I’ve lived in Whittier since Moby Dick was […]
This week we’re taking a road trip along the Ohio River, from Madison, Ind., to Wheeling, W.V. In doing so, we’re going to dip our fingers into the liquid essence of America and taste scenery, history, commerce and industry. We’ll experience exquisite small towns, fading industrial cities, farm country, forests, and stretches of pristine riverfront. […]
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